
First of all, I want to say a big THANK YOU. It means the world to me that you would go out of your way to check out my blog and read my posts.

I'm still in the beginning stages of this so I haven't really figured out the purpose of my writing, my content and how I can be a blessing to my readers. I know as much as I'd like it to be, it won't always be perfect or polished but thank you for sticking by me as I figure this all out.

If you would like to support my blog, there are three ways you can do this:

Pray for me.

If you are a praying person, I would really appreciate your prayers.

Since this is a somewhat personal blog, I get to share my honest reflections on faith and life. I want to be real and open with my thoughts but at the same time, it is a little scary to do so. Please pray that I would be bold and courageous, continue to choose faith over fear and let God lead me wherever He desires.

I would also love prayer for wisdom as I write about my faith in God. It is unnerving to think that my writing might lead people astray and give them a false understanding of who God is. How can I even capture God in all His glory and give honour to Him through all that I write? I know I have a responsibility to do my due diligence when posting my writing in the online space but I know more than anyone that I am not perfect. I don't have a perfect understanding, nor will I ever be able to perfectly capture God in all His goodness. Please pray that despite these things, God would still use what I have written for His purposes and bring people closer to Him.

Subscribe to my weekly updates.

Another way you can support my blog is by subscribing to my weekly updates.

I don't know where this will lead but for this year, I have committed to writing every week, so you can expect to hear from me every Friday. Subscribing to my weekly updates will deliver my content straight into your inbox so you never miss a single post!

It's exciting for me to schedule in time to write every week and share what God is teaching me in His Word and in life. I hope to include book reflections, prayers and maybe even...theological discussions (one day).

Become a monthly or yearly subscriber.

The third way you can support me is by contributing financially as a monthly or yearly subscriber.

This is probably the support that I feel the most hesitant asking for but I thought I would leave it open for anyone who may feel moved to support me in this way. If you enjoy my writing and want to support me financially, I'd love to invite you to become one of my monthly or yearly subscribers.

While I would love to create more exclusive behind the scenes content and helpful resources for monthly and yearly subscribers, I think for now I'll be focusing on my weekly posts until I get more comfortable in this blogging space. You'll definitely be the first ones to know if this changes!

If you've made it all the way to the bottom of this page, I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support (hehe).

I really do appreciate it.

Lots of love,